Support to the Social Welfare Sector in the Process of Further De-institutionalisation of Social Services

Investing in the future. European Union

Title of the action: Support to the Social Welfare Sector in the Process of Further De-institutionalisation of Social Services
Donator: European Union’s IPA IV HRD 2007-2013 Programme EuropeAid/131056/D/SER/HR/4
Partner: Oxford Policy Management Ltd and Centre for Social Policy Initiatives
Approved amount of resources: 1,382,640 EUR
Location: Croatia
Duration: November 2012 – September 2014 (22 months)

The 22 month project, “Support to the Social Welfare Sector in the Process of Further De-institutionalisation of Social Services” is financed by the European Commission under Component IV Human Resources Development of the Instrument for Pre-accession (IPA) programme for the period 2007-2013.

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