New Paths to Inclusion Network

This project is financed by European Union

Title of the action: New Paths to Inclusion Network
Donator: Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. Leonardo Da Vinci Programme
Partner: queraum. cultural- & social research, Austria
Location: Europe and Canada
Duration: January 2013 – December 2015

The New Paths to InclUsion Network brings together organisations of persons with disabilities, service-providers, universities and research centres from fourteen European countries and Canada whose common aim is to achieve change; and support organisations to deliver community based and person-centred services for people with disabilities.

The Network builds on the legacy of the European project New Paths to Inclusion Network (2009-2011) which helped to advance Person Centred Planning and Practice in support services across Europe.

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“New Paths to Inclusion Network” workshop...

23.02.2015 - New Paths to Inclusion Network, News

During February 19-20, 2015, the national coordinator and representative of the Association for Promoting Inclusion (API), Mrs. Slavenka Martinović, participated in the project workshop “New Paths to Inclusion Network” in Bratislava. The participants continued dealing with the subject of dissemination, and they got a chance to present the changes in their organisation that occured after the implementation of the project. In a pleasant two-day ... 

“New Paths to Inclusion Network” project meeting

02.12.2014 - New Paths to Inclusion Network, News

During November 27-29, 2014, the national coordinator/representative of the Association for Promoting Inclusion (API) Slavenka Martinović, together with 19 partners in the project “New Paths to Inclusion Network”, participated in the project meeting in Vienna, Austria. The aim of the meeting was to highlight implemented activities, talk about positive and negative experiences, discuss upcoming plans and activities, co-create the main ... 

The fifth module of New Path to Inclusion

01.04.2014 - New Paths to Inclusion Network, News

On March 25th and 26th, 2014, API together with Validus held the fifth training module on Person-centered planning within the framework of the European project “New Path to Inclusion Network”. Representatives from NGOs, residential institutions, and several people with intellectual disabilities together with their assistants participated in the training. The aim of this module was to introduce and understand the process of MAP (Making Action Plans) ... 

The fourth module of New Path training

20.02.2014 - New Paths to Inclusion Network, News

On February 17th and 18th 2014, API together with Validus organized the fourth training module on Person-centered planning within the framework of the European project “New Path to Inclusion Network“. Representatives from NGO’s, residential institutions and several people with intellectual disabilities with their assistants participated in the training. In the fourth module, the participants were introduced to person centred reviews and review ... 

The third module of training “New Path to Inclusion...

16.01.2014 - New Paths to Inclusion Network, News

On January 14th and 15th 2014, the Association for Promoting Inclusion (API) organized the third module of training on Person-centered planning within the framework of the European project “New Path to Inclusion Network“. Representatives from NGO’s, residential institutions and several people with intellectual disabilities with their assistants participated in the training. In the third module, the participants were introduced to the concept ...