This project is financed by European Union
Title of the action: | Supported Vocational Services for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities |
Donator: | European Union, IPA IV. Component – Human Resources Development |
Subcontractor: | Association for Self-Advocacy |
Approved amount of resources: | 127.156,69 € |
Location: | Zagreb, Bjelovar, Osijek i Šibenik |
Duration: | Completed – 4 December 2010 – 3 December 2011 |
The overall objective of the proposed action is to increase the employability of people with intellectual disabilities (PWID) in Osijek, Bjelovar and Šibenik in the open labour market and to provide access to meaningful vocational activities for those individuals unable to access open market employment.
Project ” Supported Vocational Services for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities ” is extremely important because it recognizes the importance of engaging people with intellectual disabilities and other marginalized people, encouraging employment of those persons and promoting the idea of equality and equal opportunities for all.
Inclusion of 44 people with intellectual disabilities in the open labour market with 23 employers shows that the realization of such a demanding project is possible even with the relatively limited resources.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the project, especially people with intellectual disabilities who have shown great motivation – their work and dedication made this project a success.
We also want to thank employers who recruited people in their companies:
Festetics d.o.o., Tržnica Osijek d.o.o., Gradska tiskara Osijek d.d., Koncert d.o.o. obrt za marketing, Športski objekti d.o.o.Osijek, Dm-drogeriemarkt d.o.o.
Martina S“ d.o.o., Foto Spektar, Udruga Šibenik grad djece, Vrtni centar Dubrava, Opća bolnica Šibenik, restoran „Na moru“, marina „Hramina“, knjižara Matica, komunalno poduzeće Knin
Grad Bjelovar, Bjelovarski sajam d.o.o., obrt Redrex, Ratarstvo d.o.o., Uprava šuma Podružnica Bjelovar, Zadruga Valenta, Marko metal, Horkud Golub d.o.o.
Feedback from employers such as:
“I am satisfied with the work they did.”
“The benefit is two-sided – for clients, organization and employers.”
“We should give them a chance to become full members of society. I will definitely recommend engaging people with intellectual disabilities in companies. I’ll try to talk with others who are able to employ people with intellectual disabilities.”
Indicate that we should continue to develop activities in Bjelovar, Osijek and Sibenik and work on expanding the program to other cities.
- Zagreb – Marijana Janković, MA in Educational Therapy, phone: +385 1 37 71 323
- Bjelovar – Primož Lovrović, BA in Economy, phone: +385 43 22 14 11
- Osijek – Jelena Soudil Prokopec, MA in Educational Rehabilitation, phone: +385 31 37 43 99
- Šibenik – Marija Alfirev, PhD in Educational therapy, phone: +385 22 31 27 71
Film from Šibenik about supported vocational activities