IPA – Greenhouse Vegetables Production

Investing in the future. European Union

Title of the action: IPA – Greenhouse Vegetables Production
Donator: European Union, IPA IV. Component – Improving Labour Market Access of Disadvantaged Groups
Partner: Center for Inclusion and Social Services and High School Bartol Kašić in Grubišno Polje
Approved amount of resources: 149.359,42 €
Location: Bjelovar and Grubišno Polje
Duration: August 2013 – March 2015

The project aims to support the integration of people with intellectual disabilities into the labor market in Bjelovar-Bilogora County.

The overall objective will be fulfilled by providing a training program on greenhouse vegetables production, and by developing income generating work activities through the model of sustainable production of vegetables in Bjelovar and Grubišno Polje.

By developing these work activities, the action will also raise the capacity of Center for inclusion and social services to support people with intellectual disabilities in finding and maintaining work activities in the open labor market.

Target group(s):

30-35 people with intellectual disabilities will be trained for working in the greenhouse vegetables production, from which 20-25 people will be engaged in work activities in vegetables production at the Center for Inclusion and Social services. Support will be provided by 4 job trained coaches.

1 EU Zastavica 2 Logotip ESF 3 Logotip SIF 4 Logotip HZZ 5 Logotip UZVRH


The easy-to-read manual on Greenhouse Vegetables...

23.10.2014 - IPA - Greenhouse Vegetables Production, News

This manual has been prepared within the Greenhouse Vegetables Production project, financed by the European Union under IPA IV. Component – Improving Labour Market Access of Disadvantaged Groups (contract number: IPA4. The manual was developed in an easy-to-read form, by self-advocates from the Center for Inclusion and Social Services in Bjelovar and with great help from members of the Association for Self-Advocacy in Zagreb. The ...